A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about Consumer Reports recommendations for deck sanding as an essential maintenance component prior to applying a deck stain. Below I copied what Consumer Reports wrote following with information about our sanding system:

“Prep decks carefully.Washing and sanding are typical first steps to staining a deck. But remember that sanding a wood deck treated with chromated copper arsenate (CCA) releases toxic arsenic into the air and surrounding soil. Call a pro if your deck was built before 2004 and its finish is flaking.”

Our deck sanding system is a bit different than other types of sanders, what we typically remove are the loose dead soft fibers that make your deck appear fuzzy, old stain that makes your deck look patchy and the dead fibers that leave your deck looking dry and dreary. Without sanding first, a semi transparent stain that is applied absorbs into the deck faster and can fail

Our sanding system does not tear into good wood as drum sanders do, this practice is the main focus of “arsenic scare”, our technicians uses safety precautions not to breath harmful dust, they have the ability to use breathable bags to keep the dust from going into the air and control where the dust goes and how it is disposed.

Wash My Deck has been sanding decks for 6 years ago, 14 years into our business. Sanding has been the single largest improvement to our deck restoration service. Below are some of the benefits of using our deck sanding system.

  • Fountain of youth for decks, can mitigate years of neglect, age and wear and tear
  • Evens out color from preexisting stains
  • Removes many existing stains without the use of harsh chemicals
  • Removes loose soft fibers giving the deck revitalized and fresh appearance (excellent for older, drier decks, newer decks that get furred)
  • Smooth rough edges, protects people and pets hands feet and paws
  • Allows for better acceptance and richer appearance of seals and stain
  • Identifies boards that may need repair or replacement

Frequently Asked Questions

What do you sand? Top of railings, floor, benches, stairs

  • What is different about your system?Most pressure washing companies will not sand because they do not have the expertise or the equipment. If they do they will use a drum sander. A drum sander can cause permanent damage to the wood if it is used by an inexperienced person because the sander tears into anything it touches. Because decking is uneven you will typically get an uneven sanding and discolored results. Our system uses patented carbide brushes that scrub the crevices in the wood to remove the loose soft fibers. The sander will only take what the wood will give. There may be more debris on a older dry deck but also may be very little debris on a newer denser deck. Regardless the results, resulting in clean lines, smooth service and beautiful “like new” appearance.
  • How often does my deck need to be sanded?About every 5 years
  • Cost savings –Stains will last and look better longer, resulting in less repairs long-term and less maintenance expenses
  • What are hard and soft fibers?The dark and light grain in your decking, the dark is hard fibers, the lighter are soft fibers. Soft fibers that are aged and possibly neglected will cause the deck to look old, dry weathered
  • Why will my deck stain or seal look better because of sanding?Deck Stain adheres to what ever deck material it is on, as wood ages soft fibers loosen and deteriorate causing rough appearance and dry look, by removing soft fibers the appearance is restored thus allowing the stain to penetrate and protect the healthiest part of your deck. Safe for Pressure treated pine, redwood, cedar and exotic hardwoods